If you love life, life will love you right back...

Peace Corps, Guyana!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wait...can you... Slow DOWN?!?!

After 2 hours waiting in line at the emergency room with number 78, I finally made it with my student to get her leg looked at( seems as if child abuse was taken a little too far this time and now the lashing cut left a hefty leg wound that got infected) Bullshit.

Ive spent more time in child protection services this week than Id care to admit. When really the focus of my next project is just trying to get parents involved in their childs education, maybe I should also focus on how not to beat them.

Meh, enough about that, lets focus on the great things. Have I told you how great the last workshop was? Oh man, there is nothing like working with enthusiastic teachers and teaching them how to be even better! I love that part of my job as well as the school visits! ( the writing of the modules, grading and money crap not so much) but gosh is the “Inclusion” fever hitting Guyana. Lots of great feedback from the HMs at schools, the teachers themselves, and the students!(which is the most important part!)

I’ve been tutoring some neighborhood kids after school…gosh they are funny. Kevaun, Pikachu(Marvela) Shemar, Richard and Natasha. Some of the best and funniest kids. Kevaun and Shemar like to walk me home and yell “She don’t wantchu!” at all the men that try to holler. Next Friday is Shemars birthday so we are going to have party= me making chocolate cake and kids running around mi casa! ( I might secretly break out waterballoons, we’ll see!)

I was invited to a Grade one and two meeting today for parents. Im trying to advocate for parent teachers conferences in the school as well as just do basic discussion about the importance of being involved in all aspects of a childs life. I talked about the importance of nutrition and knowing the childs teacher (and opening up communication with him/her) It was a good first meeting at NA primary. And I got approached by a family on the way out to who would love to get some help with their child who was pulled from mainstream school because of her learning differences. OWOWO good day, lots was accomplished, lots more to be done.

Early in the morning, dawn of new day, new hopes, new dreams, new ways, open up my eyes and open up my mind and I wonder how life wil surprise me today….ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!

Peace Love and the happiness of busy-ness.

1 comment:

  1. You are so many things to so many people. You are beautiful sissy. And the busiest person I know!
