Fun Fact of the day: you can send me boxed wine as along as you label it “concentrated grape juice” on the customs slip…creativity is positivity!! Especially with merlot!!
Ahh I can’t believe its November…..where has time gone? In this perpetual summer I feel as if the days are just flying fast enough…hoping for them to come any quicker is a shame…and these last days I’ve really just wanted life to go in slow motion.
Monday and Tuesday I was at school…I’ve began doing art projects with the entire school, and the first one is making ornaments! The kids love being in the kitchen and then decorating their creations glitter! (But believe me, more glitter ends up on their faces and skin than on the actual ornament!) We are going to try selling them at the tea party that’s this month at the school!! The kids are so excited!!!!!!!!! Which makes me even more excited!!
Wednesday and Thursday were teacher training days ….the second module of the Inclusion workshop!! Although the rain and all the firecrackers that were let off were a little distracting (Its always fun when you are in the middle of a discussion and you hear a loud, ear frightening Booom!! (I usually have to feel around my body to make sure I wasn’t shot) …and its equally fun to literally shout at other teachers because the rain is so heavy….needless to say I lost my voice for a bit…but there are no holes in my body But the teachers were very motivated and open to all the new information! It’s one of my favorite things to teach teachers…its challenging as well as a great learning opportunity for me!
After those four days I was grateful for the day off…because on Friday was Diwali!! And it was the first time I got to experience the lighting up Hindu Holiday….
I had to travel over the bridge, to Shieldstown, which is about a 20 minute drive in a minibus from where I live…but this 20 minute drive ended up being an hour and a half wait at the stelling then the 20 minute ride over the bridge….by a woman bus driver…just wanted to throw that out there, because its not common at all for women to drive here.!!! But I was thankful that the tire didn’t blow out and people had to shift all to one side of the bus…cuz that’s when the bus rides get really fun...
Anywho, I made it safe and sound and met up with a few other volunteers and we went out to explore our first Diwali at night. Houses were all lit up with dias (clay pots filled with coconut oil and wicks), Christmas lights were shining bright, and thankfully the last few days that were filled with blackouts seemed to be outshined by that very moment.
We went to Vannis house where her family were so kind enough to make us some potato curry…..oh have I mentioned that Vannis Jahndi was the first one I have ever went to? Jahndis are a different kind of celebration, more like a party, and at it I was being so awkward that I started crying…and apparently no one has ever cried at a Jahndi before. Needless to say I will never live that down. and the family has not forgotten yet.
After eating the curry we walked over to a Mandir. We entered with bare feet as song/chant in Hindi was being sung. .offerings were being made to the God of the light and there was a bang of a chime and blow of a conch. It was so different than anything i've ever experienced spiritually.(although the little girl rolling around on the floor sticking her tongue out at me while I copied her back was very known to me) . At the end they shared some sweet rice, vermicelli, and persaud. … It was a happy day and night…and ended with some pholourie and sour, which is always a good way to end a day.
In fact it should be a way we end each of our days…with new lessons, with good food, with belief in people.
There continues to be so many new ways of learning and experiences to be had...I hope that wherever you are, you’re seeing life as this too. There is not a simple destination we should be reaching….its the life we live in the meantime…the life of the journey that will be our favorite memories…and the light in those memories that will shine on.
Peace, Love and Light!
“I do not think that light is God. I think it is possible, and it is reasonable to say, that light is the language of God. Light may be the way that Gods speaks to the universe and to us.”- Shantaram
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