Well hello there tarantulas....could there be more of you in one spot?!?
After driving through 3-4 feet of mud on a 4 wheeler for an hour, you land in the bush!!
I went in for training the remote newbies! I was always told that Amerindians are quiet people, and was kinda fearful of going there and being tooooo loud, just cuz, well you know me. but man did i feel at home. I never wanted to leave the shower outside, peeing outside, 6-10pm electricity even! The people were so welcoming!!
Bathing in the black water, doing the dishes down by the stream, oh the simple life...i just wanted to learn how to fish with a bow and arrow!!!
I ran in the mornings barefoot too!! Can you imagine, hard to soft sand, not a thing in the distance and the only sounds you hear are your own breathing and thudding of the feet!!!?!?!? ohhhhhhh man, how does life get better than that?!
But ultimately I had to go back to my own "home", and the kids make it easy to be here. Lots of rain, play and coloring on Saturday with my "crew" = 6 kids under 11. Love it, love them.
Miss the Bush already...but am happy to be home and busy busy busy with work!
Peace Love and BUShyyyyyynesss
Love the pictures! You are so wonderful!