If you love life, life will love you right back...

Peace Corps, Guyana!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Peace Love and My 24th year

With age comes: wisdom (hopefully), new experiences, new relationships, it brings distance with certain things and people, as well creates new opportunities. On my birthday I often find myself reminiscing about the past year, as well as looking forward to all the new year will bring. This year I decided that Id share some of my reflections…after all…peace love and sharing, make the world go round!

These are the top twenty four things I truly have learned this last year, fallen in love with, and of course, fallen out of love with too.

Things I learned:

1. I am really good at seeing the best in people and even if this hurts me in the end…Im happy that my mind works like this
2. I lead best by my actions, im not an assertive talker
3. I have ADHD…from fastforwarding through most movie to my longest phone conversations being 15 mins or less…I need to move and I need to feel like I am going somewhere….unless I am reading…..maybe I just need to learn how to relax?
4. I could never be a social worker without a system in place I am very sensitive and have a hard time not putting emotions into things, even when I know I cant do anything, it doesn’t stop me from wanting to, and making my heart throb when I figure out for the zillionth time that I cant
5. I am happiest around people I love and who love me, without mention of any of it
6. I am a lot stronger than I thought I was; I doubted being able to live in another country even though I had always dreamed about it, it’s a lot easier for me than I would have thought to live without things that bring "comfort" its fun to find comfort in new things...like a mosquito net.
7. My family crosses my mind too many times throughout the day to count….and I see them in everything I do and everywhere I go
8. I can say NO in a relationship...when it comes to work thats a different story
9. Money never really mattered to me, now I see the significance of it…and still I would gladly give it all away than have it
10. Struggles are struggles and you shouldn’t compare your own with others. You matter and so do the things you are going through
11. I don’t have to feel bad about making time for myself….although I still have a hard time feeling guilty during that time

Things I have fallen in love with:
1. Coffee…more and more each day. and for reals coffee..not just half milk, a third sugar and a third coffee...im more like 60 coffee now, with 20 of milk and sugar! improvement!
2. Funky Sunglasses
3. hammocks
4. Deaf Education
5. Living by myself
6. Hot weather/never being cold
7. Writing letters to people I love/getting letters from people I love
8. Being Outdoorsy====for reall…no makeup up, no running water, no electricity, showering in the ocean, hiking in the jungle, not knowing what to expect next....i love it all
9. Not just the idea but the act of living simply

Things I have fallen out of love with:
1. Constantly being connected(internet, phone, email)
2. Shaving my legs….not like I was ever really in love with this, but I did love having smooth legs…this has now become a rather special event, sexy I know.
3.Limiting myself in my mind( My mind is the only thing that stops me in so many areas of my life)
4.Bad raunchy rap music(to an extent )

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