If you love life, life will love you right back...

Peace Corps, Guyana!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Welcome Home :)----to a bed with two heart shaped mirrors in the headboard???

I was called Fat girl 6 times today.

:) I moved into the bottom of a house yesterday....it has two bedrooms, fully equipped with a bed frame with two heart shaped mirrors in the headboard, seriously. This is not what I expected to be sleeping in, in Guyana, but I'm pretty sure it was meant to be.....Icall it my lovers room. (pretty much I only have love for bug repellent spray and sunscreen though at this point)

I cleaned it all out(with help of two awesome women that I work with) and now the place is "clean"/I haven't seen a tarantula yet, but God knows the day is coming.I have a few rat friends, i don't know how to kick em out, so i let them live with me.
Its a beautiful house, that I am excited to make a home. I am so lucky to have all that I have.

On another note, I just got done teaching....and I'm exhausted!

I'm not fluent in sign language yet, and lets just say its a little difficult to teach 13 deaf students that are at various learning and grade levels...who don't know sign either!

I love it though...so mucho! and I just found out that I'm going to be creating an inclusive education program here for the entire region 6 of Guyana along with a VSO!(hopefully if the proposal goes through, then i'll start working on the curriculum, budget, and project implementation planning for the 2 year project!!)
I would be an inclusive educator for the entire region, which means I would be training all of the principles(or teachers who wanted to participate) in this region on inclusive education practices and methodologies... i'd definitely see my work as sustainable if i did a project of this sort :) There isn't any training for special needs in the country...or child centered learning really. SO I am verrrry excited about this project!

FYI here is an example of a lesson done by a teacher at the school:

Is use with the verb ing. Will tell us what action was done in the present. For example:

I is watching tv.
I is eating an apple

was use with teh verb ing. Will tell us what action was done in the pass. for example:
salima was watching tv. Salima did the action soomtime in the pass.

word for word that was written on the board and then the teacher told the kids to copy it as she sat down for the rest of the hours. these kids get two to three of these lessons a day.

Lets just say there is A LOT of work to get done, and I'm so excited to get started!

Other fun things that happend:

A man was cutting grass, took off his facemask, and stopped the machine only to yell at me : WOW, baby, WOW. You are sooo sweet looking, I want you as my wife.

Another man walked up to me and gave me the biggest flower plant thingy ever, and said, beautiful flower for a beautiful girl. It was nice, but then i had to walk around with it all day long=not so nice.

my phone wont stop VIBRATING...funny that that would be the problem that would happen to me.

It was pouring out and a group of dogs came running at me to attack me, i yelled "F*** YOU DOGS" as loud as I could and they all backed off.(i know its inappropriate language, but im even sure my dad would have broke out a cuss word at that point) then I stepped into a puddle and lost my flip flop.

I spoiled myself with vegetarian cheese this month, I'm not sure exactly what "vegetarian cheese" means here, and it doesn't taste nearly as good as anything Wisconsin, but man it made me smile :)

1 comment:

  1. Two heart shaped mirrors huh? Makes sense, since my heart is always with yours. Awww, how cheesy was that? I am awesome.
