If you love life, life will love you right back...

Peace Corps, Guyana!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Shady lettuce= the devil

Long time no write :(
I had food poisoning/ an amoeba too = everything including my appetite(crazy being a fat kid an all) left my body for 5 days.
I think i got it from shady lettuce that I bought at the market from a new-to-me vendor. I usually just get all my veggies and fruit from Val, but she wasn't there this week. So, as i walked in the market( it has about 25 stands, all local farmers, or people who buy and sell from local farmers) everyone comes at you with "where ya shappin gal?" "yu need spice? smell my marry man pork(basil)...i got flustered and ended up just falling for the shady lettuce lady. Lesson Learned.

So I was out for most of the week BUT I kept my door open so I was still able to witness the outside world.
Kids running past in their school uniforms, yelling mawnin miss!, as they kicked an empty fruta can back and forth...moms holding their babies while being hovered by their man as he pedaled all three of them on a bike, and of course the "slashers"/grass cutters, that will wave creepily and smile till i wave back.

I also had the opportunity to name some of the animals in my house, the mice:Kermit, Nacho, and Grande(thats the rat), the lizards are hotdog and ketchup, and all the mosquitos i just call b**ch. :)

Anyways I am back to work now! and i just gotta say: ODE to Rainy season!

I love you because for the few moments you do rain everyday I am not covered in sweat, only in your water...which everyone then tells me I am going to get sick because of...but i still appreciate you mucho, however,I don't like you because i have to walk to work for 40 mins, and for about 10 of that water is up to either my knees, shins, or ankles because of the poor water system, so then i have to trudge through the nasty parasite ridden water, usually getting my flip flops stuck, almost trip and fall, and then i have to wait for an additional minute for it to pop back up, this happens at least twice, sometimes i decide to dive in with my hand after it...but ive decided that that is a bad decision because the water contains something called grass lous-sp? from all the sewage and trash(its usually in the grass), which is a parasite that burrows in your skin, between your toes and knuckles and itches like a mofo!!

So when I get to school, I have to bleach my skin to kill it..healthy!!

Usually only half the kiddos come on rain days too, which is another reason no me gusta :(

The students are doing testing this week though, so most of the students came!! YYAYAYAYAYYA- assessment is week long, and then next week school ends( Apparently the headmistress set an ending date too soon for the term, so we had to add on another week?? loco!!!

SO mucho work to be done, so i better get to it!

"Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough
time for the important things in her life."-brian andreas

Peace Love and Parasites!


  1. Grass Lous sounds horrifying. I am never leaving my home again!

  2. Beware the Shady Lettuce Lady. I hope you are feeling better. Miss you tons.

  3. friend! I am very happy to be reading about your adventures! tip: you can ask Nurse Jean for some black wellies-boots, PC loans them out for free... unless you like swimming to work, that is!
