If you love life, life will love you right back...

Peace Corps, Guyana!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My smiles are endless here...along with my sweat production=SEXY.

This week I switched from health training to education, which means I got to teach in a school! I went to Sparta Primary on Thursday. The classrooms had chalk boards(and chalk this time) which was helpful in the phonics lesson me and one of the girls taught. We taught ph and f sounds, and at the end I decided to make them say their "favorite f word"- I’m so glad I never said that in my classroom back in Madison.:) and for once i didn’t even mean it to be naughty like that. (my favorite was phalanges by the way..the kids giggled)

After our lesson I was lead outside by the girls and boys to a cement sitting place where the boys serenaded us with songs and the beat of a bucket.The girls couldn’t stop smiling and giggling and pulling on me every which way. They reaffirmed how much I love kids as well as how badly a lot of them need attention. I gave blow kisses to them all as they walked me to the bus as it was time to leave. They waved so hard I thought their arms were going to break off...I told them I would be back next week. I hope that is a promise Ican keep.

In a different part of my world: My host mom saw me naked. I was drying off with my towel as she walked into my room to show me her new bra. We are extremely comfortable with each other, but I don’t think my own mother has saw that much of my skin since I was 5. She stood there as I yelled "hot momma ..my vagina is showing" she apologized and then looked around the room and said “your windows and curtains are open...everyone can see your vagina."

OWOW …good times …
On a positive note I realize how different my point of view on things are getting…Being in a completely different place, and starting a new chapter in your life really challenges you to take on new perspectives. I have a lot more patience and its becoming easier and easier for me to give and give instead of taking. I think I’m settling too, and realizing what kinds of things I want in my future. I wish everyone could have this experience in their lifetime. I am so gracious for these moments.Piece by piece my heart is becoming full, which only makes the fire inside of it burn for more change for this community…these people in my life and this part of the world I am serving.

One more week of training...Then I swear in and move away from the beauty of the Essequibo coast. Life goes by so fast, I don’t want to miss a thing.

Peace, Love and Education!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Living a dream life

I got my placement on Friday!! OWOWO

I'll be in New Amsterdam (region 6-Berbice) working at a special needs school! My main focus will be training teachers on inclusive Education and sign language implementation(as my site packet states) but I am sure it will become much more than that!! Or at least I am hoping!
I am so grateful that I was placed at school and that there are many opportunities in New Amsterdam to do outreach with secondary projects! I hear the mosquitoes are worse in this region...this thought makes my body quiver in fear  I have more scabs than skin at this point..but besides the mosquitoes..New Amsterdam is going to be my home away from home!

On Saturday we went to Lake Mainstay to celebrate with Culture Day. The water was "black" and when you put your foot in it sank about a foot deep in mud/algae/questionable material. We celebrated with food, music and dancing. Heather and I played a game called “lets see how many places we can put hotdogs and take pictures doing it”= the good life!!!

Sunday I did laundry again. It usually takes me about 2 hours to get it all handwashed,screeched if needed, rinsed and hanging. Its my least favorite when the wind blows sand upon my clothes all night long and I have to rewash them….to be honest..i’m not sure if my clothes ever really get clean.

I am pretending to get used to the heat...it would be much easier if I had a brat and spotted cow ;)

I feel as if I am living a dream life these days...and everything seems to be falling in place like it was meant to be.

Peace, Love and Clean Laundry!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chubby White Meat Day in the Life

Per Request Here is an example of my day to day life:

Im usually escorted to the bus stop in Suddie by 4 goats with the largest balls you have ever seen .All while being called "hey chubby white meat" by the passersby= Typical start to the day. :)

The days in training at the pink church in Queenstown are becoming long, overwhelming, exciting and fulfilling. We go over language, medical , safety and security, and technical types of issues everyday. In our group of 35 there are both health and education volunteers(capacity building is built into each type)
We get an hour for lunch. I eat cassava, bora,bolangie, and chickpeas every day. Sometimes during lunch we go to Anna Regina—(pronounced like vagina…makes me laugh everytime) to go to the bank or get ice cream !!

Other things for dessert are Mami, which has become my favorite fruit, mostly because of its name and shape. There are drinks called the guzzler and tampioco that are the brightest most superficial color you could ever dream of. And if I want to eat something besides cassava I have “Pizza”, which is topped with hotdogs, corn, carrots and other veggies along with questionable looking cheese and sauce.Still delicious.
I would do extreme things for Diet Coke right now, and tacos!

I take taxis everywhere, unless I am walking. I occasionally go to the sea wall after work to watch kids play cricket. (which i still dont fully understand) drink a beer (wrapped in a napkin) and lime with fellow volunteers.

People "sip"(make sucking noises) at me to get my attention, and sometimes I stop to "gaf" with them(chat) I pass by the market in Suddie every evening and this one girl greets me with the biggest grin,..Im talking full frontal teeth and eyes bright. She holds out her fist so I can bump it and with that little interaction I feel as if my day was happy and I am content. Which I am
Sometimes its a struggle to deal with the visual of issues noticeable here on a day to day basis but only more reason to be here.

After training, I go home and hang out with my host family, which really has become my favorite part of the day. They remind me so much my own family!! And I love them!.

I tuck in my mosquito net after I "bucket bath". Tucking it in usually takes me an unnecessarily long time because I am not coordinated at getting the corners tight. Maybe tonight :)

I miss you all and when I have a free moment, you are all that seems to come to my mind.

Peace, Love, extra Large balls and CHubby white meat!

Friday, March 5, 2010

LIfe is a Journey not a Destination

The heat of the sun warms up this land by 6am everyday.= the beginning of sweat production factory aka my body starts!

People are out on the sandy streets, and last week it was especially busy because of the Mashramani Celebration(a nation wide holiday celebrating hard work) !!! For this celebration everyone dances in the streets as a parade makes its way from one town to the next. It reminded me a lot of homecoming in Johnson Creek. All the organizations made a float and they blast music from them, chanting all sorts of funny things. My favorite was the giant penis being pulled by a girl in glitter and spandex. Keep it Classy, Guyana.

This past week I have been in Vreed-En Hoop. I got to see a secondary school (la Ventura)which confirmed my love for education even more. FYI: I am so excited to get my placement, which i should be getting in a few weeks!

On Monday it was time for another holiday!!!! I played phagwah(its a hindu holiday where you pour powder on eachother symbolizing my blood is your blood) but really you just get extremly messy and in my case are stuck with purple/green and yellow hair...and flourscent pink skin. It was sooooooo fun…we drove to Georgetown to this venue and played withabout 300 people…
And for reals..the PRESIDENT OF GUYANA CAME!!

Its crazy how I’ve met the president of the country after being here just a month!!! 

Peace, Love and Celebrating!(with penis floats!)