If you love life, life will love you right back...

Peace Corps, Guyana!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chubby White Meat Day in the Life

Per Request Here is an example of my day to day life:

Im usually escorted to the bus stop in Suddie by 4 goats with the largest balls you have ever seen .All while being called "hey chubby white meat" by the passersby= Typical start to the day. :)

The days in training at the pink church in Queenstown are becoming long, overwhelming, exciting and fulfilling. We go over language, medical , safety and security, and technical types of issues everyday. In our group of 35 there are both health and education volunteers(capacity building is built into each type)
We get an hour for lunch. I eat cassava, bora,bolangie, and chickpeas every day. Sometimes during lunch we go to Anna Regina—(pronounced like vagina…makes me laugh everytime) to go to the bank or get ice cream !!

Other things for dessert are Mami, which has become my favorite fruit, mostly because of its name and shape. There are drinks called the guzzler and tampioco that are the brightest most superficial color you could ever dream of. And if I want to eat something besides cassava I have “Pizza”, which is topped with hotdogs, corn, carrots and other veggies along with questionable looking cheese and sauce.Still delicious.
I would do extreme things for Diet Coke right now, and tacos!

I take taxis everywhere, unless I am walking. I occasionally go to the sea wall after work to watch kids play cricket. (which i still dont fully understand) drink a beer (wrapped in a napkin) and lime with fellow volunteers.

People "sip"(make sucking noises) at me to get my attention, and sometimes I stop to "gaf" with them(chat) I pass by the market in Suddie every evening and this one girl greets me with the biggest grin,..Im talking full frontal teeth and eyes bright. She holds out her fist so I can bump it and with that little interaction I feel as if my day was happy and I am content. Which I am
Sometimes its a struggle to deal with the visual of issues noticeable here on a day to day basis but only more reason to be here.

After training, I go home and hang out with my host family, which really has become my favorite part of the day. They remind me so much my own family!! And I love them!.

I tuck in my mosquito net after I "bucket bath". Tucking it in usually takes me an unnecessarily long time because I am not coordinated at getting the corners tight. Maybe tonight :)

I miss you all and when I have a free moment, you are all that seems to come to my mind.

Peace, Love, extra Large balls and CHubby white meat!

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