If you love life, life will love you right back...

Peace Corps, Guyana!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Flush it down the toilet

I am overwhelmed. I guess that’s nothing new…although it felt like it this week. So many things to be grateful for: Inclusion teacher training workshops were awesome, started cooking classes with the older students at my school and teachers mentioned they would be interested in having a cooking class too! , had a successful PTA meeting and parents are finally interested in having the support group !!!YAY! it will start in two weeks, led the first People with Disabilities Support group, my program manager came and was very encouraging, I got through with a proposal to teach an ASL course this summer, I got to spend time with kids that I love, I am finally getting things accomplished at my school…I got letters from my momma and dad! Jenny is coming in less than a month, Caterpillar is getting stronger, there were only 2 black outs..haha oh life, its just passing so fast, and really the only thing that is overwhelming me is my living situation.
This week I had someone over and I think they flushed something they shouldn’t have, so my toilet stopped working. Every time you went to flush it, it would fill all the way to the top and take hours to go back down. I had to bucket poop water for about 2 hours one day, just so it didn’t flood my house. After that I told my landlady, she said it was too late in the evening to get anyone, but she would ask a guy for a plunger the next day. The next day came (Wednesday) and I didn’t get home till 6 because of work and therapy. I asked her for the plunger and again she told me the same thing. On Thursday I got home from my workshop up the Corentyne and it still wasn’t working…I asked my landlady for the 3rd time and this time she told me that she wasn’t going to pay or help me or call a plumber, I needed to, then she walked away.
This was day 3 of pooping in plastic bags and peeing in my shower, and I just couldn’t believe how rude and unkind people could be, all because of money. I never really felt like such a burden to someone, and ive never really had someone be so bluntly mean to me.
I know its just a toilet, and its silly to even stress over something like that, especially after having to hear stories of struggles from so many people this week….i just don’t know…I guess I am tired of unkind people….and shitty situations(literally in my case)

Anywho I am lucky. I had one of my favorite teachers husband come over Friday morning and he fixed it in 2 hours( kinda) but then on Saturday it stopped working again, and so I had to go and talk with my landlady one more time. I brought one of my Guyanese friends with me this time, Terrianna. Its funny how here tone in voice automatically changed when she realized someone else was there and told me she could get someone to come, but it wouldn’t be until Thursday. I asker her what I was supposed to do and she just shrugged and started to ramble on and on about how she was just a woman and things cant change instantly..yada yada yada.. She also said that when a man was staying here he would fix his own toilet because she gave it to him in working condition and he should make sure it stays that way…and she wouldn’t ever have to deal with it. ...and that I should be lucky that I have someone who helps and aims to please me all the time and I wouldn’t get it so good in other places. I then said thank you, but I also needed to tell her that I felt like I am a burden to her and so I said that and if she wants me to move out I will gladly start looking for a different place. ( which would be silly because I pay her more than double any local would) She then started raising her voice, telling me she is vexed at me that I would even say that, telling me that she doesn’t like that on and on and on…so she basically was saying she is mad at me for feeling hurt in this situation. Oh man. I just don’t know what to do in this situation anymore. It’s not the end of the world, and I know that I am very lucky to have what I do have. I just hope it doesn’t take more weeks and more of my money that I don’t even make to fix this.

Peace Love and finding good in every situation because there is some.

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