If you love life, life will love you right back...

Peace Corps, Guyana!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Transportating in Guyana= THRILL RIDEEEE

Ohhhhh Guyana....There are soo many things I love about you......especially fearing for my life anytime I get in a minibus or car to get around!!

Let me break it down for you. You have two options(sometimes);

Its HOT!!!!!!! humid,mosquitoes everywhere, smell of dead dog in the air, no breeze, and there you are, waiting to get on a minibus A line of minibuses are parked...you approach the one that is most full. If there are only 4 people in it, I usually wait to get on, but if there are 13 i usually just get on right away...Soo its hot, you are sweating...and then you get to cram on to a mini bus and sit next to what looks like a cracked out version of Mr. T, and a mother with 4 babies on her lap, or a teenage lovers being all PDA and an extremely overweight woman eating chicken and throwing the bones out the window while hitting you with pieces of fried rice. Window seats are always the prefered option...SO 13 people on, you would assume that you are going to get going soon.....depending on the driver you may sit there until about 18 to 20 people are in(this minibus is like a glorified caravan by the way, 3 rows of seats made for 12 people) in which case you have no breeze and the arm sweat of the people next to you starts mixing with your own...or the driver will decide to start what i like to call, "the hunt"
He will drive up and down the same roads yelling, sipping, stopping rapidly trying to find people to get on the bus....its a fun game,and usually I want to play that rather than waiting...I'd say it takes a minimum of 20 mins to actually get going on your way...and thats if your lucky.......sooooo this is why I prefer to take the car......but for that, you have to go to the place of HUSTLE.

The car park!!!
Its where you go to catch a car to wherever you are going. You walk up to it and 30 feet before you approach drivers are already yelling at you, trying to get you in their car...trying to take your bags...telling you all sorts of nonsense. I usually go with the quietiest one. If only they knew that.
Its so fun if you are the first one in, because usually that means waiting another hour before you get to leave, but you dont have anyone elses sweat all up on you, so its not too bad.
So i sit and watch my driver try to convince other people to ride with him. Its all about the Hustle...usually anywhere from 10-15 cars are waiting to get full..I enjoy all the yelling/its a little scary!!!
Sometimes i sip at people to get them to come to the car i am in...the driver likes me most then..and then once its full...i cram into the backseat with 2-3 other people to drive 2 hours dodging cows, goats, and dogs...stopping completely for a 2 inch incline and fearing my life because no one goes the speed limit and if they do we pass them...

and these are your two options...what would you choose???

Peace,Love,and Thrill Rides!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the experience I had in Jamaica! Close your eyes!
